Blog » Wildflowers in bloom

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Wildflowers in bloom

May 11, 2011 1:18 pm

I have been busy the last month taking advantage of the wildflowers that had been blooming around Sonoma County. I say had because things dry up quickly after the rains stop. It amazing to me, as i observe wildflowers, how small most of them really are. If one isn't careful, it is real easy to just pass them by. Most are the size of a quarter or less. Photographing them with a macro lens makes them seem bigger than they really are. (Caution, objects in photo are smaller than they appear)

Admiring these little beauties is a little like admiring a newborn child. One has to stop, hold it and examine  the baby, only to find it looks like a shriveled up old man.  Hmmmm.  Lousy analogy!

Anyway, stop and admire the wildflowers. In some places of the country, wildflowers are just starting to come out.

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