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Blog | Bill Nelson Photography

State Parks in Sonoma Co, CA

December 13, 2010 5:11 pm
Sugarloaf Ridge SP Stream

Today was a blah overcast day so I decided  to check out some parks for future visits. I visited Sugarloaf Ridge State Park just east of Santa Rosa, CA. There are many streams, mini falls, ferns and moss that are starting to come into "season" at this time. I am excited to visit many of these sites.

Gallery: Nature & Landscapes

Daily photographs

December 8, 2010 11:10 am

Have done some exploratory trips, planning for late winter, early spring. Today it is raining and went to check out older downtown sections of some  little towns around here. Will return this evening when Christmas lights are glowing. Hopefully it will still be raining.

Gallery: Nature & Landscapes

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Finally have time!

December 3, 2010 10:26 pm

I finally have the time to edit many of my photos and to seek out new scenes. Will be looking to the coast in the next few weeks. The weather has been a little bla which is ok for even light, but I would like to see it either clear and cold or rainy to get some variety. Feel free to check out the new posts on the Landscape Gallery and offer your comments.

More Davis Family Photos

November 9, 2010 11:05 pm

Just finished with the last samples of the families and children. It was great working with everyone, especially the children. They are at the perfect age!

Gallery: Portraits